CAI Monti Lattari


The Tramonti Women's trail

Starting Location Tramonti (Gete - Torina)
Ending Location Tramonti (Foce di Tramonti)

Trail info

Main info about the trail


The trail was crossed by fires on August 2017. Now it is not easy to walk through the presence of trunks, snowmobiles and the disappearance of CAI signage

How to get there
The village of Gete in Tramonti is located along the local road Maiori-Chiunzi, also attainable via local transportation (SITA bus). The starting point of trail 309 is located 1 km away from the bus stop.
Points of interest along the trail
Intersection 310 Gete-Torina (m 376), Intersection 310 Foce di Tramonti (m 913).
Water points
Gete - Torina


This route connects the CAI trail 300 and the CAI trail 310 thus allowing excursionists to reach the upper trail of the “Monti Lattari” from the village of Gete in Tramonti. Starting point is the intersection with CAI trail 310 located in the hamlet of Torina in the village of Gete in Tramonti (m 376). Move east along the trail until “Foce di Tramonti” point of intersection with the CAI trail 300.

From Instagram #caimontilattari309

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1 comment

  1. Manutenzione -Verifica 309

    Il sentiero è stato oggetto di un intervento di manutenzione con pulizia della vegetazione in alcuni tratti, temporaneamente è stata apposta segnaletica provvisoria vista la completa mancanza dei segnavia bianco – rosso CAI ormai datati che necessitano di essere ripristinati con un successivo intervento grazie ai volontari della Sez.CAI di Cava de’Tirreni.

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