CAI Monti Lattari


From 361 to 354a

Starting Location Agerola (San Lazzaro)
Ending Location Agerola (San Lazzaro)

Trail info

Main info about the trail

How to get there
The trail beging from the square "Piazza Avitabile" at the hamlet of San Lazzaro di Agerola, where you can get by car or by SITA bus Amalfi-Agerola line.
Points of interest along the trail
Intersection 361 (530), Intersection 354a (590)
Water points
San Lazzaro


From Piazza Avitabile proceed northwest along the asphalt road leading to the valley separating the hamlet of San Lazzaro from that of Bomerano. At the altitude of 470 m you will find the bridge, after which climb along the opposite side of the valley going south and then west until to reach the caves “Grotte di Santa Barbara” (m 501) where the trail ends at the intersection with the trail 354.

From Instagram #caimontilattari361b

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